The T-10 Barcelona public transport card has been abolished for being too useful. No need to hide from the world under a blanket though. Consider these alternative ways of getting around town.
The Barcelona Metro is just a delight. Where else in the city can you enjoy close human contact, fluorescent lights, and live reggaeton at 6:30am? You also can entertain yourself while waiting for the train by playing “guess the wet substance on the platform.”
Or “street metro”. Make sure to present your now-defunct T-10, so that the machine can issue a loud reprimand, holding up the people behind you. If you’re lucky, you may get an impromptu tour of the city when the bus driver decides to change the route for reasons unknown to all on board.
Barcelona offers Bicing, which is a practical alternative to getting your own bike stolen. Warning: the machine is capricious. It may refuse you service if it happens to be having a bad hair day. Try speaking to it gently, before returning home to use your old bike.
You can ride your motorcycle in high-heels with a bag of groceries and your triplets strapped in behind you, no fuss. Providing transport for both road AND sidewalk, motorcyclists are free to roam wherever they please. Watch out for pedestrians!
Want to ride a motorcycle, but fear the power and responsibility that comes with having hot metal moving at 100km/h beneath your culo during rush hour? Enter the scooter. Do you look cool? No. Settle for cute.
Sit in traffic on your way to work! Sit in traffic on your way home! Sit in traffic on your holiday!
If money is no object, slide into the back of a BCN cab. You can choose from a variety of aromas, including August Humidity, Sweat on Leather, Dust Dust Dust, and Pine Fresh circa 2011.
Good for you, good for the environment. Enjoy the beautiful city sidewalks. Watch out for motorcycles.
Cable Car
A fantastic way to move between Montjuïc and Port Vell. Excellent views, no traffic. Not valid for travel anywhere else in the city.
If the cable car is too impersonal, the rickshaw offers a sense of aristocratic luxury, with just a touch of guilt. Tours are available all over the city.
Stand Up Electric Scooter
Gym be damned. For a one-off payment, you can build up core strength and each thigh muscle on an alternate basis. Folds up easily for when you give in and take the metro.
Put that flock in Plaza Catalunya to good use and harness the power of flight. You need some string, some bread, and a little determination. If the cable car makes you dizzy, this is not a viable option.
No. Put it back right now.
But Seriously
- The T-10 will be discontinued on December 31, 2019.
- Any T-10s purchased in 2019 may be used until February 29, 2020 (or if it has an earlier expiration, by that date).
- Effective January 1, 2020. the new “T-10” will be the T-Casual, valid for 10 trips at the increased price of 11.35 euros per ticket for Zone 1.
- The T-Casual may be used by ONLY ONE PERSON! It cannot be punched for multiple entries for multiple people.
- The “T-Mes” monthly card will become the T-Usual, valid for unlimited trips for one month at the decreased price of 40 euros for Zone 1.
- Starting on March 1, 2020, the new T-Familiar will allow up to eight trips over 30 consecutive days. It allows for multi-punch entries for multiple people and will cost 10 euros for Zone 1.
- The new T-Grup will allow up to 70 rides over 30 consecutive days. This is also a multi-person, multi-punch card, at a cost of 79.45 euros for Zone 1.
Guest Author: Originally from the UK, Holly Duncan came to Barcelona for six months following graduation from university. That was nearly six years ago. She has since worked as a translator, and proofreader for various companies, including Economía Digital, Diario Gol, and TransPerfect – all the while writing comedy on the side. Her free time is crammed with puppets, improv, and all things theatre.