The Art of Language

The Art of Language

Carrer de la Perla, 26-P Barcelona


Learning Spanish in Barcelona

Unlike traditional Spanish language learning schools, the Art of Language focuses on a well-rounded process for learning Spanish. Students enjoy a novel approach to language learning. The Art of Language helps students improve their Spanish while exploring art, film, and music. Courses run seasonally and include classes, art activities, and Spanglish cafes where students reflect on the art activities with native speakers. To enroll, visit The Art of Language website to take a Spanish level test.

For more traditional Spanish language schools, check out these options.

Learning Spanish in Barcelona with conversation

learning Spanish in Barcelona at art galleries

About Meagan Bellovin

Meagan arrived in Barcelona in 2019, having left behind a full life of family, friends, and career in Austin, Texas. Originally educated as a journalist, Meagan taught children in her local public school system for nearly ten years before moving to Barcelona with her husband and dog. Since her arrival, she has embraced local living, taking Spanish classes, making new friends, and rediscovering her journalism past by writing for The Barcelona Edit.

Opening Hours:

Varies according to class schedules.

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